Москва(495) 510-25-82
Бронирование билетов(495) 785-71-78
Санкт-Петербург(812) 318-18-18
Бесплатный для регионов(800) 300-56-22
09.03 10.03
€ EUR 95.7815 95.7815
$ USD 91.5836 91.5836

Airports of Moscow

VKO – Vnukovo International Airport
DME – Moscow Domodedovo Airport
SVO – Sheremetyevo International Airport

Vnukovo International Airport

Vnukovo International Airport is one of the largest air transportation hubs in Russia ranking third in terms of passenger numbers among the nation’s leading aerial gateways. The Airport’s two passenger terminals offer a total capacity of 6800 pax. per hour with about 120 thousand flights by more than two hundred airlines from all over Russia, the CIS, and beyond, handled at the Airport every year.

Moscow Domodedovo Airport

Moscow Domodedovo Airport is the largest airport of Russia and Eastern Europe in terms of passenger traffic. In 2011, total passenger traffic of the airport amounted to 25,701,610 people. Domodedovo Airport is the first Russian airport to join the category of the largest airports in Europe according to the Airports Council International (ACI) classification.

Sheremetyevo International Airport

Sheremetyevo International Airport is Russia’s largest airport in terms of regular international traffic. An intensive development and large-scale modernization of the infrastructure began at Sheremetyevo Airport in 2005. As the result of this upgrade, a number of passenger terminals increased from two to six, and their annual handling capacity - from 12 to 35 million passengers. Sheremetyevo Airport has become the biggest Russian airport complex (its area is about 480,000 sq. m)

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